
Throughout our 110-year history, our commitment to high-quality teaching and our passion for providing job-ready skills is why we're an internationally recognised university and educational leaders in science, technology, innovation, business and design. Our high-quality courses are the centre of what we do, choose to study TAFE courses, bachelor degrees, postgraduate degrees or short courses. â€‹

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There's still time to apply for Semester 2

Whether it's business, health, or design you're interested in, TAFE, undergrad or postgrad – Semester 2 classes start on Monday 29 July.

See steps for applying, frequently asked questions, and key dates and deadlines.

Applying for midyear
Want to know where your ATAR score can take you?

Find out all your study options at вʿª½± by using our ATAR calculator. It is as easy as using your ATAR score or predicated ATAR score to view all the available courses within your study area of interest. â€‹

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